Sunday, August 19, 2007

Circle Round

I intended to start writing a few days ago and here I am a few days later. I feel like I'm standing on the edge of a river, a beautiful, fast and flowing river, cold and so incredibly fresh. Though knowing the jump into the cold burst will be exhilerating, I find it still just a little scary starting this journey of a blog. I've been talking about it long enough and I know I am ready and excited for where this journey of writing will take me.

The start. I came up with a couple of different names but have settled on HoopinMama. I have a delicious four-year old girl who loves to Hoola Hoop and through watching her find her way with the Hoop, and witnessing the thrill she has in just moving with it, I too have become a huge fan of the Hoop. For years, I was resistant to even pick one up because I thought I couldn't do it.

With the hoop, the magic was in finding the right hoop. And the answer to that was start big. I learned to start with a nice big heavy hoop. I also watched many a hooper and noticed the ones keeping it up were barely moving, just effortless in the circle round. I was thinking about not thinking as I could feel my body find its own rhythm and groove. On a fabulous tip and from watching my girl, I started by just rockin it slowly back and forth. Pretty soon, there i was ever so subtly finding my own groove, rockin it there with my girl.

Then I thought some more about not thinking so hard about how helpful it can be to just let go sometimes and see what happens with that.

So this blog I suppose begins a journey of some exploration. There are some big dreams I am working on and this for me is just a place to write a little bit about daily life and the pursuit of some of these dreams.

Today has been one of those hugely emotional days celebrating the marriage of an old friend and saying goodbye again to one of my very best friends and her children as they head back to their home far away from the Northwest. So for now this is my start.


Super T said...

I'm so proud of you! I've been inspired...


Amy said...

Wonderful darling! I can't wait to be a part of your journey through this blog.

Unknown said...

I am back on the island and am missing you somethin' lucky I am to have you...congrats on making the blog a reality...let the river flow!

Jenny said...

Kathy, this is a great way to reflect on your life and keep your thoughts out there. I love the river rock analogy.