Thursday, August 23, 2007

about that boulder...

Tonight marked a great evening albeit a little bittersweet as we celebrated the adventures of two friends moving back to the midwest. I look at these friends and feel a full heart as they met in eachother a great match. The image of the two of them and their dogs setting course across the states makes me smile and well even inspires a little kick in my butt to think about some new adventures of my own. I am a road trip fiend though I've not been on a big one in a couple of years. I am a wanderluster. I can end up in many a town and dream about what it would like to live there. With a snap almost, I can see quitting my job, packing up and heading on. And its not that I don't like where I live or love my friends nearby, its just the dream and thrill of setting course to do something new is completely captivating. This topic I can surely revisit. There are many stories to tell about the road or desire to hit the road local and beyond.

So back to the dinner... We were sitting around my living room tonight after a few glasses of red wine and a good summer meal talking about everything from the company where we all have worked and on the adventures that lie ahead. We talked a bit about the river I've been writing about and more about that boulder. My pal said "oh i was hoping you were going to write about going around the boulder" Well timing is everything. I was thinking today and actually was reminded as I read this great piece I'll share soon called "Advice from the River" that really the river does just keeps flowing around the boulder, there is no fight that I can imagine. There is no resistance. The river just keeps flowing.

Travelling on can be a beautiful thing. Going with the flow, the path of least resistance where things just feel right.

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